Coldplay, the iconic British rock band, has announced a major concert in Ahmedabad, India, scheduled for January 25, 2025, at the Narendra Modi Stadium. The highly anticipated show will be part of the band's Music of the Spheres World Tour, marking their return to India after nine years. The band made the announcement on November 13, 2024, sharing the news with fans through a post on social media platform X. The post read: "2025 AHMEDABAD DATE ANNOUNCED – The band will play their biggest ever show at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on 25 January 2025. Tickets on sale Saturday, 16 November at 12 pm IST."
Tickets for the Ahmedabad show will go live on November 16, 2024, at 12 pm IST and will be available for purchase through BookMyShow. Like their previous shows in India, the ticket-buying process will involve joining a virtual queue. Fans will be randomly assigned queue positions using an Automated Queue Randomisation System as soon as the sale begins.
Coldplay fans in Ahmedabad can expect an unforgettable performance, featuring a mix of the band’s greatest hits, including "Yellow," "The Scientist," "Clocks," "Fix You," "Viva La Vida," "Paradise," "A Sky Full of Stars," and "Adventure of a Lifetime." These songs, along with their stunning stage presence, promise to make the event an experience to remember.
This concert follows Coldplay’s announcement of two shows in Mumbai on January 18 and 19, 2025. The band last performed in India in 2016 during the Global Citizen Festival in Mumbai. With this show in Ahmedabad, Coldplay fans across the country will finally get to see the band live once again after nearly a decade.
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